
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I Must Submit

This frightful intrusion, that forever disturbed the tranquility that surrounded me;
an unwarranted invasion of evil thoughts and intent engulfed my borrowed habitat.
I'm bombarded by the fracas that penetrates my borough from within and without,
as I shiver at their malevolent thoughts; for the ease at which they propagate their evil
manifests the infestation that has taken over, inhabits and transformed their minds.
I'm afraid of the vibes, its a sign of a threat that seeks to brutally end to my existence.
Entrapped in the bowels of a paradox with no where to run, a seed estranged from the
tenderness of love, a compassion that only knows an obsession with the freedom to gain.
A captive of the evil that haunts me a prisoner of the cruelty that now sought my soul.
Soon, I will be a victim of a crime for which no justice is sought, no penalty dispensed, no
repentance offered, no love lost, no penance paid, no sorrow shown, the criminals freed.
For such a complex life I live; yet I live not for my life will be taken before I breathe;
a curse of the bitter reality I face; as unknown potential lost, a body of hope vanishes,
the figment my dreams slowly fades and all possibilities just cease to ever exist.
In acceptance of sore defeat, I regretfully submit; for at your will I must now die.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Spiritual Effects of Abortion

Many of us go into abortion lightly. Not knowing the spiritual effects and consequences that such has on our lives and on the mother’s womb. You will be surprised of the spiritual warfare that is wage for control of the womb.

The bible declared that when Adam sinned, he give up the realms of this earth to the devil. Hence this earth became overly populated with the devil and his agents. Because of the multitude of the devil’s agents that is hear fighting for the soul of mankind, God has designed a full proof plan to ensure that all of God’s children make it into heaven and are able to resist the devil when he comes a knock.

This was so designed to ensure that no negative influence corrupts the mind of the child whilst in the womb. The womb is supposed to be a place where life flourishes freely. Here God’s angels are always on guard, to fight off all elements of corruption that may seek to sway the child from him. His angels has unlimited access to the unborn mind to instill into that mind what is God’s plan for his or her life. Here the child is influenced in favor to the things of God.

When there is a death in the womb, the womb is immediately transferred, into a place of death, a sepulcher; from a place where God’s angel have free access to the mind of the unborn child, to a place where they have great difficulty threading. With this new transformation, the womb becomes a place where devils and his demons now inhabit and flourish freely, and has free access to the unborn child. Here they influence the mind of the unborn child for the things of and for the working of the devil.

When we are called upon by the devil to reject the life that was implanted in the womb by God, He (the devil) always seems to make our conditions to be far worst than they really are. He uses lies to discourage us from trusting in God’s grace. Hence when he shows us an overly illuminated picture of our conditions, we become discourage. But we must always remember that God’s love will never takes us to a place where his Grace cannot see us though. By going onto the abortion table, and rejecting the life God had implanted in the womb, we are saying to our heavenly father; Lord we no longer want you to rule over our womb, we have now rededicate this womb to the honor and glory of Satan. By my act of murdering this unborn child, I am therefore handing over my womb to the honor and glory of Satan.

Any child that is born to that mother after an abortion, (unless that womb was re-sanctified to God) will be deprived of the influence of God’s righteous being, but will be exposed to the evil influences of the devil’s angels. Here the unborn child is thought the art of wickedness and evil practices. Although the child when born will appear to be as one of God’s innocence creatures; the difference will be the negative influence that had already been imparted on there minds by the evil being that now inhabits the womb. Now whenever the devil’s angels taunts these people to fulfill their evil bidding. These individuals will be lead to perform all manner of gruesome and evil acts without remorse.

What was suppose to be a place of light where God’s heavenly angels may impart positive and uplifting influence on the mind of the child; with one act of an abortion, they immediately transform the sanctity of the womb, from a place where life flourish to a place of death and evil influences.

I can bet that if you carryout a study on the mothers of children who have carried out gruesome acts of murders; you will discover that the mothers of those children, would have had an abortion before that child was born.


It is very important that pregnant mothers be very careful during their pregnancy. Miscarriages also turn the womb into a sepulcher. If the miscarriage was self-induced then it is as if it was an abortion, and it carries the same weight as going onto the abortionist table.

If the miscarriage was accidental:

Every death in the womb turns the womb into a sepulcher. But the only difference is, the mother did not, of her own free will rededicate that womb to the glory of Satan. The transformation was accidental. Here the angels are obligated to enter into the womb that has now been transferred into a repulsive place to do bottle over that soul. Here the unborn child is bombarded with influences of Good and evil, in a fierce bottle for the soul of that child.

Most children of parents whose mother may had suffered an accidental miscarriage before they were born, are always in a fierce bottle between right or wrong. Very often they become confused and turn to Drug, alcohol or revert to some extreme self destructive lifestyle. They are never allowed to go to the extreme in hurting others, but instead they turn inwards and inflect that hurt on them self. At times the bottles for their souls are so fierce that it leads them to insanity. This is so because God’s angels refuse to allow one of God’s innocent children to be forever lost. They will do everything in their power to ensure that all of God children are saved in God’s Kingdom.

There is Hope

All is not lost. The Lord has showed me, that if one that has been guilty of murdering an unborn child or may have suffered an accidental miscarriage there is an opportunity for you to rededicate your womb to the honor and glory of God. We must find a servant of the lord, and tell that person of your concerns and then we along with the servant of the lord should sincerely pray for the cleansing of the womb. When we openly speak of our hidden sins it shows sincere open confession. It also shows that you are sincerely coming to God and with a contrite heart, confessing the sins of abortion to him. Hence when we asked God to cleanse their womb, he will. This in itself is a symbolic act of rededicating that womb to the honor and glory of God. This will cause holy hand to clean that womb and to drive out any evil influence that may have taken up refuge there. After which the holy angels of God will once again have unfettered access to that womb for the honor and glory of God for the positive influencing of the child for God.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Abortion A Moral Issue

The Christian community is faced with many moral predicaments, which the bible did not address directly: predicaments that the unchristian world is fighting hard to sanitize. One such topic is the issue of abortion. What is abortion? Abortion is the premeditated or the conscious planning and the execution of that plan to terminate a pregnancy; and as we know a pregnancy is a process where a female egg is fertilized by the male sperm cell in the womb of a female to create a human life.

In speaking of the unborn human child Jehovah declared in Jeremiah 1:5; before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. This statement tells me, that Jehovah; the awesome creator of the universe and all that is in it, knows every child even before conception, he has ordained a plan for that unborn child and it matters not, at what stage of development the unborn is; be it, the Zygote, Embryo, Fetus etc. Jehovah has a plan for that child.

In the recent pass fornication, adultery, homosexuality, divorce, abortion and even bringing disrepute to the family name were scorned and frond at by all; while respect for all life, ones community, the elderly, etc. were held in high esteem. Unfortunately today members of the community even some members of the Christian community wears the above negatives (fornication, adultery, homosexuality, etc.) as a badge of honor while we are forced to feel ashamed to celebrate the above positives (respect for the elderly etc.).

The bible has detailed the consequences for the accidental termination of a pregnancy, so it is a sign that the accidental termination of an unborn life is serious business. If Jehovah prescribed or instituted a system of punishment for the accidental termination of a pregnancy how much more serious is the willful termination of a pregnancy. The fact that the bible did not address the topic of abortion directly; only means that Jehovah’s people will have to tap into the abundance of wisdom that Jehovah has given to us in dealing with this and other issues that were not directly addressed in the bible.

The None-Christian community is convinced that abortion is morally wrong, and for many years the legislature have ensure that the necessary laws were enacted to protect the unborn life that flourishes in the womb. Unfortunately today the fight for the right to perform indiscriminate abortions without any lawful consequences; is in full motion and such liberty has a fancy name or term, which is: “The Right to Choose.” This means that the pregnant female has a right to choose whether they should carry a pregnancy to full term and give birth or whether to terminate that pregnancy at any stage.

In order to gain acceptance for abortion, many people try to confused the issue and develop argument such as: when or at what stage does life began? But when does life truly begin. Let us take a close look at this very controversial question.

The abortionist, the right to choose organizations and their followers argues that their inability to recognize certain organs and other human characteristics in the zygote etc. is clear indication that such beings (the life that occupies the womb) are not human. It is important to note that just because the technology is unable to distinguish or recognize particular essential human features and or characteristics in the unborn child automatically mean that these features and characteristics are not there or they do not exist. We all know how primitive modern sciences and technologies are.

We have seen how primitive modern sciences and the technologies are. This is exhibited in the thousand of retraction of findings and theories that were declared to be truthful and factual. The new discoveries that brought to naught the many scientific beliefs that have been propagated as facts for many years. But more so the high level of ignorance that still exist in the field of science such as anatomy and physiology.

The female egg (s) is a living part of the mature female; however when that egg dies the body systematically expels it during menstruation. It is important to understand that female eggs or ovaries do not have the potential intelligent that is required to mature into an adult human. There is also the sperm cell which is the reproductive factor of the male. The Sperm cell is capable of living and functioning independently of its life source although not for long. Like the ovaries, the sperm cell independently do not possess the potential intelligence to mature into an adult human; however the merging or the coming together of the two cells; the sex cell of the male and the sex cell of the female has the potential intelligence that can and have been facilitating the maturity of the cellular union into a mature human. As a matter of fact such cellular being like the zygotes are human (possesses the forty six (46) chromosomes or the two pairs of twenty three (23) chromosomes that represents human life); however they have only attained the first stage of the process, in a long journey that will see the zygote eventually develop into a mature human.

The unborn must develop and mature in the same way an infant has the potential intelligence to be an adolescent but have to develop biologically and mentally in order to reach that stage. Bearing this concept in mind, we must therefore conclude that life began at conception. The fusion of the two cells, each carrying twenty three chromosomes has the potential intelligence or all that is needed to be a human. So at conception we have a human child. The different names (zygote, fetus Blastocyst etc.) that is attributed to the unborn child is just to aid us in understanding the stages of development the unborn child have attain at a given period before birth.

So there should not be any confusion or unanswered question as to when life begins, it is clear that life begins at conception. It is not important whether science and its accompanying technologies are incapable of recognizing the characteristics, that in their small mind, will make the unborn a human.

There are exceptional cases where in my opinion, abortion may be deemed as justify; however, in general I deem such procedure to be morally wrong. But morality no longer holds any real influence in today’s community. I can lend sanction to such case where the life of the mother is at serious risk if she continue the pregnancy or attempt to give birth (whether surgical or natural) to the child.

It is unfortunate, but in my opinion, a pregnancy which occurs as a result of rape is not one that justifies having an abortion. From the honest and sincere confession of the people who have had abortions, the mental pain of such procedure leaves emotional scars that never heals and the trauma that is associated with abortion are the type of trauma that affect the one who consent to such for the rest of their life. It is also important to know that having an abortion in no way, reduces the devastating and traumatizing effect of being raped. Although to carry a child that one unwillingly share with a man, who viciously violate the body of the victim may be hard, it will not impact as much as if a new trauma is added to an already traumatized life in the same way the consequences of having an abortion does.

I will terminate this discourse by making the following clear: I am not a woman, I have never been pregnant, I have never been raped and I have never have an abortion, I therefore wrote this article from the prospective of an empathetic adult male and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I pray that this article may give someone the convicting strength to better understand life and abortion.