Abortion: which is the intentional termination of an unborn life, has become a convenient tool that society use to alleviate itself, from the responsibility of dealing with parents, who want to escape the obligation to the life they are and should responsible for. Unfortunately, the large majority of the people who opt to use abortion as a way out of the conceived predicament they are in, are minorities.
The other unfortunate issue is, the people who chose to have an abortion, does so out of a lack of knowledge of the consequences such decision and procedure may have on their bodies and on their mind. Although the information is available, the propagators of abortion either deny the findings are true, for the simple reason; it does not fit into their program or they outright refuse to bring the fact to the attention of the people who are contemplating having an abortion.
After the procedure is completed, the victims (female who had the abortion) are sent home so their bodies can heal; however, the mental scars that are associated with taking such actions are left unattended and untreated. Many of you may have read the article the Spiritual Effects of Abortion and has a good idea how such procedure affects the womb; however, you may not be aware of the mental or psychological effects, such procedure may have on one who choose to abort a child. the effects are many and they are far reaching.
Although, most physicians who perform abortion, will have the public and the unsuspecting mother believe that abortion a procedure, with little or no physical, medical and psychological impact; it is important that we understand this is not so. There are many anatomical, physiological, and psychological effects that abortion has on the mother who chooses to use that rout.
Although the forgoing is information is true, I will not be dealing with the many effects of abortion but rather with the demographic of abortion.
Before I proceed, let me say the statistics that are available on abortion are old or outdated. This is so because the recent numbers are so exorbitant the propagators of abortion do not want the true statistics to be known.
Did you know that over 42 million abortions are committed every year? That means, 115,000 abortions are committed every day and it is said that 83% of the 42 million abortions are preformed in and on people in developing countries.
That is 42 Million people who in most case are legally killed without a trial. That is 42 million people who are executed without committing a crime, but suffers unjustified deaths.
It is strange, of all of the abortions that is performed, only one percent (1%) are preformed because the mother were a victim of rape or incest (sexual intercourse with a close relative) six percent (6%) were preformed because the mother health were in danger, while ninety three percent (93%) of abortions are done because the pregnancy was an inconvenience: the parents just did not want the child so he/she was killed.
I will give you a brief break down of the statistic as it relates to the demographic and abortion:
· Teens account for 17% of all abortions.
· Young people ages 20-24 accounts for 33 % of all abortion.
· Children under 15 years account for one (1%) percent of all abortion
Did you know that a child or young person is not obligated to inform their parent if they are pregnant, is planning to terminate the pregnancy or if they had that pregnancy terminated? Did you also know that it is unlawful for a responsible adult at any of the abortion facility inform a parent of the child or young person’s pregnancy or procedure. Do you know that a teacher, a guidance counselor or any other professional within the school system, who knows of a child's pregnancy or if their intention to have an abortion; cannot inform the parent of their daughter’s pregnancy or of their procedure (abortion) if one had occurred because they will be in violation of that child’s right? .
2/3 of person who have had an abortion were never married.
Blacks are 4.8 times more likely to have an abortion than white people
Hispanics are 2.7 times more likely to have an abortion than white people
Married couples are more unlikely to have an abortion than unmarried couples. Divorce woman has a high abortion rate also.
These statistics are very frightening but the reality will be even more frightening than what the above statistics show. Just remember the latest stats available is more than a decade old so the reality is far from real.
The other unfortunate issue is, the people who chose to have an abortion, does so out of a lack of knowledge of the consequences such decision and procedure may have on their bodies and on their mind. Although the information is available, the propagators of abortion either deny the findings are true, for the simple reason; it does not fit into their program or they outright refuse to bring the fact to the attention of the people who are contemplating having an abortion.
After the procedure is completed, the victims (female who had the abortion) are sent home so their bodies can heal; however, the mental scars that are associated with taking such actions are left unattended and untreated. Many of you may have read the article the Spiritual Effects of Abortion and has a good idea how such procedure affects the womb; however, you may not be aware of the mental or psychological effects, such procedure may have on one who choose to abort a child. the effects are many and they are far reaching.
Although, most physicians who perform abortion, will have the public and the unsuspecting mother believe that abortion a procedure, with little or no physical, medical and psychological impact; it is important that we understand this is not so. There are many anatomical, physiological, and psychological effects that abortion has on the mother who chooses to use that rout.
Although the forgoing is information is true, I will not be dealing with the many effects of abortion but rather with the demographic of abortion.
Before I proceed, let me say the statistics that are available on abortion are old or outdated. This is so because the recent numbers are so exorbitant the propagators of abortion do not want the true statistics to be known.
Did you know that over 42 million abortions are committed every year? That means, 115,000 abortions are committed every day and it is said that 83% of the 42 million abortions are preformed in and on people in developing countries.
That is 42 Million people who in most case are legally killed without a trial. That is 42 million people who are executed without committing a crime, but suffers unjustified deaths.
It is strange, of all of the abortions that is performed, only one percent (1%) are preformed because the mother were a victim of rape or incest (sexual intercourse with a close relative) six percent (6%) were preformed because the mother health were in danger, while ninety three percent (93%) of abortions are done because the pregnancy was an inconvenience: the parents just did not want the child so he/she was killed.
I will give you a brief break down of the statistic as it relates to the demographic and abortion:
· Teens account for 17% of all abortions.
· Young people ages 20-24 accounts for 33 % of all abortion.
· Children under 15 years account for one (1%) percent of all abortion
Did you know that a child or young person is not obligated to inform their parent if they are pregnant, is planning to terminate the pregnancy or if they had that pregnancy terminated? Did you also know that it is unlawful for a responsible adult at any of the abortion facility inform a parent of the child or young person’s pregnancy or procedure. Do you know that a teacher, a guidance counselor or any other professional within the school system, who knows of a child's pregnancy or if their intention to have an abortion; cannot inform the parent of their daughter’s pregnancy or of their procedure (abortion) if one had occurred because they will be in violation of that child’s right? .
2/3 of person who have had an abortion were never married.
Blacks are 4.8 times more likely to have an abortion than white people
Hispanics are 2.7 times more likely to have an abortion than white people
Married couples are more unlikely to have an abortion than unmarried couples. Divorce woman has a high abortion rate also.
These statistics are very frightening but the reality will be even more frightening than what the above statistics show. Just remember the latest stats available is more than a decade old so the reality is far from real.